Cody Ziegler

Cody Ziegler

Real Estate Advisor


Cody specializes in the brokerage of industrial real estate assets with an emphasis on supply chain management in manufacturing, food processing, warehousing, and logistics. He is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of the supply chain as it relates to the real estate decision process. Prior to real estate, Cody specialized in building hiring campaigns for growing businesses in Southeastern Wisconsin, which gave him in-depth knowledge of workforce development and successful hiring practices. His experience in the recruiting industry, combined with experience in supply chain management; puts Cody on the cutting edge of developing comprehensive real estate strategies for both industrial occupants and industrial property owners.


Licensed in Wisconsin:

  • Industrial Brokerage, Sales and Leasing
  • Land acquisition and disposition and land entitlements
  • Multi-market tenant representation
  • Build-to-suit representation
  • Sale / leaseback
  • Lease renewal negotiations


  • Commercial Association of Realtors (CARW)
  • Commercial Brokers Group
  • Independent Business Association of Wisconsin (IBAW)
  • Board Director, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
  • Land Acquisition Committee, Waukesha County Land Conservancy (WCLC)


Cody graduated from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with an emphasis on American Institutions. He also earned a Certificate of Entrepreneurship from the University of Iowa’s Tippie College of Business. While at the University of Iowa, Cody competed on the rugby team and sailing team, and continues to sail competitively today.